Threat Guides
Feral pigs (Sus scrofas) imperil at least 149 nationally listed threatened species. They prey on native animals and plants, dig up large expanses of soil and vegetation in search of food, and foul fresh water. They also host diseases that can be transmitted to other species. They are distributed across 45% of the mainland with particularly high densities in Queensland. Total population numbers are unknown but they could exceed 20 million.
Land clearing has been the main cause of 36 out of 100 confirmed extinctions of Australian species – mainly plants and invertebrates. It kills plants and animals, destroys and fragments habitats, triggers erosion, degrades freshwater and marine habitats, and facilitates weed and feral animal invasions.
Phytophthora cinnamomi is a soil-borne, microscopic water mould that causes a severe plant disease known as Phytophthora root rot or dieback. It imperils 236 nationally listed threatened species and 32 threatened ecological communities. Any activity that moves soil, water or plant material spreads the disease. Eradication is difficult and preventing its spread is through public education is a major focus.
The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) imperils 321 nationally listed threatened species, 21% of Australia’s total, more than any other invasive species. It also threatens 9 ecological communities. hey occur over approximately 70% of Australia, where they destroy native plants, degrade landscapes and outcompete native wildlife.