About Us
Our conservation and science committee ensures our work is informed by some of Australia's leading thinkers on biosecurity, biodiversity science, social science and invasive species management.
About Us | Our conservation and science committee
Our conservation and science committee

Dr April Reside
April is a lecturer in wildlife science at the University of Queensland. Her research encompasses ecology, conservation, and policy, with a particular focus on vertebrates.

Dr Lynette McLeod
Lynette’s 30 years’ experience has seen her holding professional research positions within NSW Department of Primary Industries and New England University, and working with the community to manage a range of issues, including free-roaming cats, wild dogs and widespread weeds.

Dr Mark Lonsdale
Mark has been chief of CSIRO Entomology and CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, and has served as Co-Chair of the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) overseeing IPBES, the UN global biodiversity assessment platform.

Dr Chris Dickman
Chris is a Professor in Ecology at the University of Sydney and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.

Dr Sarah Legge
Sarah is a Professor at the Australian National University and a Principal Research Fellow with The University of Queensland.

Sue McIntyre
Sue McIntyre is a plant ecologist who has researched, and published extensively on weeds and their impacts in crops, pastures and native vegetation.

Ian Thompson (Chair)
Ian has been responsible for Australian Government policy and programs across Landcare and natural resources, water, fisheries, forestry, biosecurity, rural policy and adjustment and drought.