A key decision in the battle to rid Australia of red imported fire ants is looming and the stakes could not be higher.
Federal, state and territory agriculture ministers will meet in February next year to decide the fate of the country’s fire ant eradication program. If fully funded, the program could rid Australia of this menacing ant within a decade. But if the funding talks fail much of the nation’s populated coastal belt will be exposed to these deadly invaders.
Brisbane and Sydney fire ant forums
In May this year our CEO, Andrew Cox, visited the heart of fire ant country: the southern United States. The stories Andrew brought back – communities devastated by rampant ant infestations, unusable outdoor spaces, severe economic impacts and health and wildlife concerns – are a reminder that inaction on ant invaders is not an option.
While in Mobile, Alabama he interviewed Gwen, whose son ended up in a coma after being stung by fire ants.
Andrew’s powerful presentation of his time in the US has already reached a Melbourne audience and we’d like to share it with people in Brisbane next month and Sydney in the new year.
Please come and hear Andrew’s sobering stories in Brisbane next month on Monday, December 5. Tickets are free but a donation will help us continue to spread the word about the dangers of fire ants in Australia.
[button link=”https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/into-the-heart-of-fire-ant-country-a-road-trip-through-southern-usa-tickets-29424419230″]Book your free ticket online >>[/button]
The evening will be hosted by Queensland’s environment minister Dr Steven Miles at Parliament House, starting at 6pm.
There is no time to waste, we need action on fire ants now. Come along and find out more.
Events in other capital cities and major centres will be organised if there is sufficient interest – you can express your interest by sending us an email via our contact page.