A call has been put out for people to look out for weed seeds germinating and spreading into bushland after the fires in NSW and Victoria.
Australia saw an incredible response from people putting out feed for wildlife to survive in the aftermath of last summer’s deadly bushfires, but some feed carried weedy seed.
Bare, burned and open ground is an ideal place for plants to grow – native plants and weeds.
Native wildlife will need healthy, native bushland as part of recovery efforts, weeds often outcompete and displace our native plants.
Dense patches of seedlings already producing seed include barley, oats and annual ryegrass in bushlands.
If you were part of wildlife rescue teams that put out feeding stations please keep an eye on them, and check for feed seed that may now be germinating in the nearby bushlands.
We don’t want to the problems created by the bushfires compounded by the spread of weedy species.
When out in the bush take a weed bag with you to take away all non-native seeds – you should only need a knife to weed out seedlings.
Now is a great time for tackling weeds germinating from feed stations, the ground is soft and it should be easy to remember where feed stations were dropped.
Grasses (grains) can be difficult to identify, so check with your local council if you need help.
It is important to leave native plants in the ground to hold the soil.