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Please give generously and help us protect Australia from invasive insects, animals, weeds and environmental diseases.
How to help | Donate Today
The Invasive Species Council gives thanks to all of our supporters who help us in our aim to save critically endangered and vulnerable native species from disappearing altogether from Australia’s landscape.
Our allies help protect the future of our unique landscape and precious wildlife found nowhere else in the world.
With your participation in one of our donor programs your impact will be felt across the country and have a lasting impact. Your donation can:
- Help prevent the damage done by feral animals such as cats, who kill up to 2 billion animals each year
- Help stop invasive insects like yellow crazy ants that have the potential to cause enormous problems for our environment
- Help inhibit weeds from destroying landscapes and increasing fire risks
- Help save the decimation of native species populations by stopping diseases like chytrid fungus and myrtle rust.
All donations are tax deductible, are made through our secure donations portal, and will help our work ensuring the survival of native species across Australia.
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