A submission by the Invasive Species Council to Australia’s Strategy for Nature 2018-2030 draft, the draft Australia’s Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Inventory.
The main recommendation is that the proposed Strategy be discarded and the Biodiversity Working Group produce a more appropriate, comprehensive strategy that improves the 2010-2030 Strategy in line with recommendations of the Review and meets the requirements of an NBSAP as recognised by the CBD.
The Biodiversity Working Group should look to embrace the relevant target of the CBD Strategic Plan, Aichi Target 9 which states:
By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified, prioritised, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment.
In addition, it is recommended that the following actions are implemented:
- Bring institutional arrangements for environmental biosecurity up to similar level of capability and preparedness as those existing for agricultural and human health threats;
- Implement the recommendations of the 2015 Senate inquiry into environmental biosecurity and the relevant recommendations of the 2017 independent review of Australia’s national biosecurity system;
- Harmonise laws, policies and programs that deal with invasive species prevention, eradication, containment and management at all levels of governments;
- Identify the most important novel threatening species (current and future), analyse pathways and risks of entry, and build and maintain adequate biosecurity controls;
- Establish baseline data of current impacts of key invasive species and methods for assessing the impacts of management actions;
- In prioritising existing invasive species for management action, capitalise on previous investment in research and development, and build on previous successful management actions;
- Most importantly, adequately fund the above program so that the return on investment to Australia’s nature and to our health, wellbeing, prosperity and quality of life is maximize.