Let's build a culture where Australians unite around a living country, reclaiming our shared role as custodians of this land.
Our Work | Voice of Country | Photo: Justin McManus
Voice of Country Pledge
Bringing culture and Country back from the brink
For thousands of years Aboriginal people lived in harmony with this country and the species that evolved here. The past two centuries have seen nothing but a constant decline of our plants, wildlife, soil and water due to the introduction and lack of control of invasive species. Today they are the biggest threat to our native species.
Invasive species are destroying our totems and degrading our land and sea Country.
Our Country is crying out for an end to this damage.
As the nation’s first land managers, our culture understands the importance of caring for Country. Unfortunately, modern Australian culture continues to allow invasive species to threaten our land. A culture of connectedness, and accepting our shared responsibility of custodianship, is what’s needed to save this place.
In taking this pledge you commit to listening to Voice of Country – and take responsibility for protecting our ancient rivers, diverse landscapes and unique species from invasive species.
Thank you for your support.
Richard Swain, Voice of Country