A submission to the draft threat abatement plan for predation by feral cats. The Federal Government sought comments on the draft threat abatement plan for three months between April to July 2015. The draft plan would replace the current plan adopted in 2008.
This submission seeks improved nationally coordinated action on reducing the impact from feral cats that are a serious threat to the survival of many native animals. The submission endorses the emphasis on making more feral cat control tools such as baits and poison delivery mechanisms available to land managers, the importance of strong public support for the plan and an emphasis on the eradication of feral cats from offshore islands and the control of feral cats in areas where they cause the greatest damage.
The submission seeks explicit funding commitments and supports the establishment of a collaborative government and non-government implementation team to ensure that the plan succeeds.
The submission concludes with a suggestion for an improved, more inclusive national model for addressing the impact of invasive animals.