Submission to the proposed framework for a NSW Biosecurity Act prepared in Jun 2104 by the Invasive Species Council, the Australian Association of Bush Regenerators, the National Parks Association of NSW and the Nature Conservation Council of NSW.
The Framework for a NSW Biosecurity Act provides a useful set of tools to improve management of biosecurity risks. However the proposed Biosecurity Act will rely heavily on subsidiary powers and regulatory tools, providing few legislative guarantees that the objectives of the state’s biosecurity strategy can be met. Improvements are needed to promote prevention, better safeguard the public interest and involve the community, deal with the particular needs of the environment, avoid conflicts of interest and provide for accountability.
The submission looks at the measures conditionally supported including the general biosecurity obligation, control orders and biosecurity zones, biosecurity emergencies, tenure-neutral approach and registration of biosecurity entities. The submission also looks at flaws and gaps in the proposed framework and where more detail is needed. Finally the submission suggests the need for improved consultation to develop and implement a NSW Biosecurity Act.